
Eternitten (The Eternite) - a development strategy for central city transformation areas in Aalborg, Denmark

The project is an edited version of the city plan strategy for city transformation areas in the city of Aalborg, Denmark. Through a mapping of the historic development of Aalborg, two more or less neglected tendencies could be traced. 1; the ability to improve infrastructure and manage traffic related problems in a visionary fashion, has been in close relation to the succes of Aalborg. 2; the masterplan for green structures in Aalborg from the city plan strategy 2007, which shows that green corridors run all the way in to the centre of the city, is actually non existing. In sted a new tendency appears. The city concentrates around the extenssive infrastructure and green spaces within the city appears.

Especially the second tendency is interesting, seen in relation to contemporary city planning strategies. In most of the larger Danish cities, the idea of the wild nature that stretches from the outskirts, in to the heart of the city, is the equivalent to what people considers good city planning of city and landscape. Yet, in reality, most of the green corridors does not exist as continuous green areas, but as individual patches which, because of the corridor strategy all, are programmed almost the same. The areas are typically surrounded by traffic infrastructure and light or scattered buildings, and thus become more inaccessible. There is no doubt that the areas are being used, but in most cases as excursion sites, and not in everyday life.
If, on the other hand, we were to regard the fragmented green corridors as city parks, which could be programmed different from area to area, in relation to the urban context, we would turn the face of the green areas towards the city in stead of away, as it is the case when we safeguard contrast of the “wild” nature. Green areas which are located in an urban context, could with advantage be transformed to form a part of the urban context. Not only to be able to serve the city more effectively, but as importantly, also to be able to cope with the environmental strain from the city.

From these discoveries, the plan strategy for the appointed city transformation areas, is edited to, not just to include city areas released because of the deindustrialization of Aalborg, but also the new found city parks. All areas has the potential to play a part in the process of creating the new identity of Aalborg, in the post industrial era.
By studying the district plan for all new city transformation areas and implementing own valuations, each area is programmed in reference to 4 identity priorities, which will help create more distinct identities from area to area. The 4 identity priorities, does not mean that other functions, which are not one of the categories, can’t be placed in the area. But that the function must subject to the overall strategy. The new strategy will be able to counteract the mono functional city planning, which is responsible for the vast amount of areas which has to be redefined today. In the new plan, all areas will be different form one another, and if one areas planning strategy fails there will always be another which has faced some of the same problems that will have succeeded. And the failed area would be able to learn from and used parts of the strategy of the other area.
The strategy is used in the planning of Eternitten (the Eternit) and Håndværkerkvarteret (the Craftsman Quarter), which are city transformation areas in each its category. This means that they will develop at different speeds, and the transformation would start at different stages. The areas represents examples of how the new city plan strategy can be carried out in praxis.